08 8555 5150

Philip G. Racing Sailor on Sydney Harbour - 27 foot Thomson Sports Boat.
"​I usually crew with me plus 3 or 4. But I am thinking of going to me plus 1 or 2. I couldn’t think of doing that without the Tiller Clutch.
I sail on Sydney Harbour racing at the Balmain Sailing Club and occasionally at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron.​The TillerClutch is very useful when sailing shorthanded. For example, I can leave the tiller set if I need to go forward to help retrieve the spinnaker.​
I am very pleased with it especially wen I think of the many years that I sailed without one. (over 50 years). I use it in many other simple ways such as slowly approaching the dock to pick up crew, before a race start when looking around at other boats. I am also impressed because it has needed no maintenance and the lines it runs with have not frayed at all.
Kenn F. – Cruising sailor on Goolwa River and Lakes - Outhred Gannet 4.5m lapstrake gunter rig
I like to sail solo, so the TillerClutch gives me a chance to go forward to anchor or take down mainsail (jib on furler). I have just also installed a spinnaker so the Tiller Clutch can steer me while I put the spinnaker up/down solo. Also if I have inexperienced crew on board I can go forward to show them what’s up.
So far i've used it in about 20 knots. Not so keen to go out over that wind speed anyway, as I am getting a bit ancient (depending on your viewpoint of course). ​I reckon it is a game changer. Prior to buying it I had to use my foot and stretch forward, but had to constantly head back to steer properly. I would highly recommend it. You certainly won’t regret it. For my boat, it cost roughly only 3% of the total fittings/rigging cost for the boat (excluding sails, spars and centre/rudder boards).
Robin H – Hallet Cove SA – Farr 7500 – Cruising Sailor on the River and Lakes
I normally sail alone and the TillerClutch allows me to leave the tiller fixed. I also find it useful when rigging sails or when trying to light my pipe!!! highly recommend. It is very useful especially in a good wind when having to hold tiller can be tiring.
Joe S – Sydney NSW – Snook 28, Huon pine mast head sloop
I’m a cruising sailor and sail on Sydney Harbour and also on the Tasman Sea. The main purpose I use the TillerClutch for is to assist leaving and arriving to mooring and locking off to trim the headsail. The strongest wind strength I have used it is in 20 knots.
I absolutely recommend the TillerClutch. It’s not a self-steering windvane, however it helps me go forward and will sail the boat on the correct course for about 30 seconds while I adjust the head sails. I also use it when mooring single handed; it’s like having another crew member!